A cash back credit card lets you receive a certain percentage from your purchase transactions, which you can redeem in various ways, depending on what the credit card issuer offers. Cash back rates are usually either fixed on all business expenses or varied depending on spending categories. Many business owners prefer cash back credit cards…
What is
What Is the Expense Recognition Principle?
The expense recognition principle is a fundamental concept in accounting that dictates when a business records its expenses. It is also known as the matching principle, which emphasizes presenting a clear picture of a company’s financial performance by matching revenues with the expenses incurred to generate those revenues. For instance, say you buy inventory for…
Etsy Seller Fees: How Much Does It Cost to Sell on Etsy?
While it’s free to set up a seller profile on Etsy, there are fees associated with listing and selling products. The main Etsy seller fees are related to listing items for sale, processing payments, converting currency, advertising and promotions, shipping, and optional add-on services and tools. Listing fees start at 20 cents per item, and…
Retail Apocalypse: What Is It & How You Can Fight It
The retail industry has seen a dramatic change in recent years as the move toward ecommerce, economic pressures, experience spending, and other shifts have resulted in a wave of retail bankruptcy and brick-and-mortar store closures. Some are referring to these fluctuations in the retail landscape as the “Retail Apocalypse.” The retail apocalypse is a signal…
What Is a Porting Fee? How It Works & Cost for Small Businesses
A phone number porting fee is the cost of moving a phone number from one carrier to another. Service providers can charge you to transfer your number, but you can negotiate or request a fee waiver. The fee varies depending on the platform and the provisions of your service agreement. In this article, we discuss…
What Is Remarketing With Google & Facebook? (+ How It Works)
Marketing is never a one-and-done journey. On the contrary, marketing is most effective when it keeps customers coming back for more. Sometimes that return happens organically, but other times customers just need a little extra push. The term for that encouragement is remarketing, and it’s one of the most powerful strategies in your marketing toolbox….
Call Logging: Definition, Benefits to Small Businesses & Free Templates
Call logging is the practice of recording incoming and outgoing call history notes and call details, such as the call’s origin, date, time, duration, and discussion summary. While it is possible to create call logs manually, many voice-over-internet-protocol (VoIP) business phone systems perform call logging automatically. This allows you to maximize efficiency, monitor call center…
What Is Call Blasting? A Small Business Guide
Call blasting, also called phone blasting or voice broadcasting, is a quick, easy, and affordable way to instantly contact hundreds or thousands of people to notify them or, in limited cases, promote your business. It offers several benefits for small businesses, including increased productivity, personalized service, and efficiency. Find out how it works, its benefits,…