Professional voicemail greetings elevate the call experience by encouraging customers to engage with your business even when no one is available to answer. An effective greeting consists of five key elements: a warm welcome, your company name or personal name, a prompt to explain the reason for the call, operating hours, and a clear call to action.
A survey by Oberlo found that 59% of consumers prefer phone calls to receive support. This highlights the importance of voicemail greetings in projecting a professional brand image and setting the tone of the entire customer journey. Dive into our ultimate guide for crafting professional voicemail messages or download our free template and customize them to suit your business needs.
Key elements of a professional voicemail greeting
The best voicemail message for business must establish a good first impression while providing key information. It has to be updated regularly to suit different situations. To help you write a professional voicemail greeting script, here are a few elements you need to take note of:
Personal work phone voicemail greetings
Employees can set up their voicemail greetings when assigned with a work number or extension. When creating an individual voicemail greeting, clearly state your name and company, and let the caller know when you will be able to return their call. Here are professional voicemail greeting examples to use for your personal work phone:
Scenario | Voicemail greeting |
Standard greeting | 1. Hi, this is [your name] at [company name]. I’m unable to answer your call at the moment. Please leave your name, number, and brief message, and I’ll return your call as soon as possible. Thank you. |
On another call (formal) | 2. Hi, this is [your name] at [company name]. I’m on another call, but please leave your name and phone number, and I’ll call you back as soon as possible. I apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you, and I look forward to speaking with you. |
Out of the office (full-day) | 3. Thank you for calling. This is [your name] with [company name]. I’m out of the office today and will return on [date]. Please leave a message with your name and number, and I’ll return your call. Thank you. |
Out of the office (temporary) | 4. Hi! You’ve reached [your name] at [company name]. I’m currently out of the office for a meeting until [time]. Please include your name and phone number, and I’ll get back to you ASAP. |
Out of the office (with alternate contact) | 5. Hello. You’ve reached the voicemail of [your name] in [department]. I am out of the office today and will return on [date]. If you need immediate assistance, contact [coworker's name] at [phone number and extension]. If it’s not urgent, please leave a message, and I will return your call. Have a great day. |
Out of the office (emergency) | 6. Hi! You have reached [your name] from [company name]. Unfortunately, I cannot take your call right now. If you need to speak with someone urgently, you may get in touch with [coworker’s name] at [phone number]. Alternatively, shoot me an email at [email address] or leave your name and phone number, and I’ll call you back as soon as possible. |
Purpose-based | 7. Hi, this is [your name]. If you’re calling for [purpose], please [contact instructions]. For all other inquiries, leave your name and message, and I’ll call you back within [time frame]. |
Extended leave | 8. Hi, you’ve reached [your name]. I’m out of the office on extended leave until [date]. If you need assistance before I return, please contact my coworker, [name], at [phone number and email address]. Otherwise, feel free to leave a message or call back after [date]. Thank you. |
Vacation (with team assistance) | 9. Hi, this is [your name] from [company name]. I’m on vacation and will be away from the office until [date]. If it’s urgent, send your name, contact information, and purpose of calling at [email address], and one of our team members will reach out to you within the day. Thank you, and have a great day. |
Many voice-over-internet-protocol (VoIP) phone systems like RingCentral automatically route calls to a voicemail greeting after hours or when calls go unanswered. You can import a pre-recorded audio file or record using your phone or computer microphone.
Record your greeting directly in your RingCentral account. (Source: RingCentral)
Beyond voicemail greetings, RingCentral offers advanced voicemail management through its visual voicemail where users can scan, prioritize, and manage voicemail messages through a convenient visual interface.
Main office line voicemail geetings
A business voicemail greeting is what callers hear when they dial your main business number. Most business phone systems have an auto-attendant to redirect callers to the right extension. If that’s not an option, we have other scripts you can use.
Scenario | Voicemail greeting |
General business (with website information) | 10. Hello, you’ve reached [company name]. We’re unable to take your call right now. Please visit our website at [website address] for our hours of operation, address, and current promotions. If you‘d like to leave a message, please wait for the tone. |
Callback assurance | 11. Hi, this is the voicemail of [company name]. We value your call, but no one is available to respond at this time. Please leave your name, phone number, and reason for calling, and someone will call back as soon as they are available. Thank you! |
Temporary closure (with online assistance) | 12. Hello, you’ve reached [company name]. Our store is closed for [reason: remodeling, retreat, etc.] from [date] through [date]. Although our office is closed, our website remains open to assist you and take orders. Please visit us online at [website address] or leave a message after the tone, and we’ll call you back during business hours. Thank you. |
Temporary closure (with callback) | 13. Thanks for giving us a call! Sorry, but our office is closed due to [reason: renovation, team building, bad weather, etc.]. Please leave us your name, contact number, and the best time to reach you. One of our team members will give you a call once we are open. |
Notice of seasonal hours | 14. Thank you for calling [company name]. Please note that we have reduced hours during the [season] and will return to our regular hours on [date]. Our off-season hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. For information, press [designated number]. Otherwise, please leave a message after the tone, and someone will return your call during business hours. |
Temporary adjusted Hours | 15. Thank you for contacting [company name]. Our office is operating on adjusted hours because of [reason]. We have temporarily changed our business hours to [time] to [time], [days of the week]. Leave us a message with your name and number, and we’ll give you a call as soon as we reopen tomorrow. Thank you for your patience. |
New office location | 16. Thank you for calling [company name]. We are proud to announce we’ve moved to a new location to serve our customers better. Our new address is [address]. For directions to our new location, press 1. For hours of operation, press 2. To leave a message, press 3 or wait for the tone. Thank you. |
Relocation (with callback) | 17. You have reached [company name]. We would like to inform you that we’ve relocated to provide a better service experience. Our new office is located at [address], and operating hours will remain the same. Please leave a message after the tone, and we will call you back within 24 hours. |
After hours (with callback) | 18. You’ve reached [company name]. We apologize, but you’ve reached us after hours. Please leave us your name, phone number, and the reason for your call. Rest assured that we will return your call the next business day at [time]. Thank you. |
After hours (with immediate support) | 18. Hi! Thank you for calling [company name]. It looks like you’ve made a call after our business hours, which are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you need immediate assistance, please dial our customer support center at [phone number and extension]. Otherwise, leave a message after the tone, and we’ll give you a call back during regular business hours. Thank you. |
Department unavailable | 19. Hello, you’ve reached the [department] at [company name]. Our team is currently unavailable to answer calls right now. If you leave your name and contact number, one of our team members will get back to you right away. |
High call volume | 20. Hi, this is the [department] at [company name]. We are currently experiencing a high volume of calls, and our employees are unable to pick up the phone right now. Please leave a message with your name and phone number. We will return your call at the first available opportunity. |
Companies dealing with a diverse customer base should consider translating their voicemail greetings into multiple languages to promote accessibility. If you need multilingual voice actors to record your greetings, Grasshopper has a dedicated Voice Studio that charges only $75 for unlimited recordings. This virtual phone system offers all-inclusive business phone features starting at only $18 per month.
Set your company greetings during business hours and after hours. (Source: Grasshopper)
Holiday closure voicemail greetings
The professional voice message greeting for holidays communicates the festive mood of the season. Your customers may call your business even when you’re closed on holidays like July 4th or Thanksgiving. Here are sample professional voicemail greetings to use if they do:
Scenario | Voicemail greeting |
General holiday greeting | 22. Happy holidays! The team at [company name] is away until [date]. Please leave your name, number, and message, and we will call you back once we’re back in the office. Thanks, and have a wonderful day! |
Festive greeting | 23. From all of us here at [company name], Merry Christmas! We’re currently closed from [date] to [date] to celebrate the holidays. Please leave a message after the tone, and we’ll return your call as soon as we can. Thank you. |
Holiday closure with 24/7 support option | 24. Hello, you’ve reached [company name]. Our office is closed from [date] to [date] to celebrate the holidays. If this is urgent, please dial [phone number and extension] to reach our 24/7 customer support team. If not, please leave a message after the tone, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you. |
Holiday closure with emergency contact | 25. Thanks for calling [company name]. We apologize for the inconvenience, but our office is closed until [date]. We hope it’s not urgent, but if so, we’ve got you covered. Contact [emergency contact] at [email address/support line], and we’ll return your call ASAP. Please leave your name, number, and a brief message to inform us of the reason for your call. Thank you. |
Promotional voicemail greetings
Use your voicemail greetings to make special announcements about any promotion, launch, or ongoing sale you’re having. For example, if there’s a significant discount or new product being offered, you could briefly mention it. However, ensure this information doesn’t detract from the core information your caller likely needs, like location and hours of operation.
Scenario | Voicemail greeting |
Free shipping/consultation | 26. Thank you for calling [company name]. We’re offering free shipping with all orders and a free consultation with orders over $100 for a limited time. For more information, or to place an order, press [designated number]. To leave a message, please press [designated number]. |
Special discount | 27. Thanks for reaching out to [company name]. To celebrate the holidays, we are offering a special discount on all purchases! To speak with a representative about our limited-time sale, press 1. For other inquiries, please leave us your name, contact number, and a message, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Have a great day! |
Customer service voicemail greetings
Every company should pride itself on providing exceptional customer service. Whether you have a dedicated customer support department or call center operation, there will be times when all agents are preoccupied with their calls. Use the voicemail greeting message examples below to leave a favorable impression on your customers.
Scenario | Voicemail greeting |
General unavailability | 28. Hello, you’ve reached the customer service team at [company name]. Our agents are unavailable at the moment. Every call is important to us, so please leave your name, contact details, and the reason for your call. Rest assured that the next available agent will call you back to assist you |
High call volume | 29. Thank you for calling customer support. Our representatives are currently busy assisting other customers. But if you leave your name and number, the next available representative will get back to you shortly. |
Self-help | 30. Hello, this is [your name], a member of [company name]’s Technical Support team. Please visit [website address] for our online troubleshooting guide for immediate assistance. If you need additional help, please leave your name, number, and a brief description of the issue you're experiencing, and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you! |
Regardless of your industry and business size, prospective customers assess you the minute they contact your company. Nextiva is a customer experience management software that further elevates caller experience by providing teams with centralized access to customer voicemails and digital channel interactions.
Record your voicemail greetings with ease from a desktop or mobile device. (Source: Nextiva)
Tips for creating a professional voicemail greeting
Good professional voicemail greetings give off a positive image and capture the most important details. Otherwise, a confusing voicemail message may prompt the caller not to leave a message or call you back. Get it right, and your business could leave a good impression. Here are a few tips for creating the best business phone greetings:
- Use a script: Prepare a script to guide you when recording your greeting. Outline all the important details you want to include so you won’t miss the essential points.
- Be brief: Your caller wants to talk to you, and when they get directed to the voicemail, they end up disappointed. Skip straight to what they need to know to save their time.
- Be specific: Begin your message with your name to inform the caller that they reached the right person. State clearly when the caller can expect a callback to manage their expectations. Mention your store hours or provide additional information like promotional offers.
- Offer other options: If your caller doesn’t want to leave a message or call back, provide alternatives to resolve their issues immediately, such as visiting your website or calling a different number.
- Always update: Regularly update your greetings to reflect business, schedule, or employee changes. An outdated version creates an impression that your company is negligent or has gone out of business.
- Hire a professional: Consider hiring a professional voice actor to give the best possible impression to your customers. Professional greeting providers like Grasshopper charge a minimal fee to hire a voice talent to record your phone greetings.
Benefits of voicemail greetings to your business
Handling business calls promptly and professionally is key to an excellent customer experience. However, it’s not always possible to answer every call that comes in, especially if it’s a holiday or after work hours. Let’s look at the advantages of voicemail greetings for your business phone line.
- Maintains customer communication: You’re bound to lose many important leads when your business is unreachable. With an engaging voicemail greeting, callers are encouraged to leave a message through your voicemail despite your unavailability.
- Keeps customer support intact: Telling callers that you will return their call after receiving their voicemail provides assurance that their efforts to contact your business won’t go in vain. It demonstrates that you care about their needs and have a plan in place to reach back out to them.
- Establishes a good first impression: A voicemail provides a professional way to communicate with your customers when you are unable to take calls. Combining it with a well-crafted message conveys a consistent and polished brand image.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Funny voicemail greetings are usually not the best practice in business settings. However, they could work if your brand’s projected image is on the non-conventional side. Consult a small group of customers and ask for their feedback first. To be on the safe side, opt for a warm and upbeat tone or follow the voicemail greeting samples provided in this guide.
A voicemail greeting for work professionals should be short and sweet. Try to limit your voicemail greeting to 30 seconds or less to save customers time and patience.
Temporary voicemail greetings allow you to set a voicemail to play for a few hours while you’re away for a short period of time. It doesn’t involve recording your usual personal greeting. The voicemail automatically switches back to the default greeting when the timer runs out.
Bottom line
A voicemail greeting may sound like a simple pre-recorded audio playback, but it is vital to establish a good first impression, boost your credibility, and encourage callers to continue their relationship with your business.
There are several considerations when recording a voice greeting for business use — it should be brief, polite, and professional. Save time and energy by downloading our voicemail greeting template as a starting point for crafting your own unique message.