When you receive cash and check payments from customers, you first place them into the Undeposited Funds account instead of directly depositing them in your actual bank account. When all checks and cash payments are entered and you’re ready to deposit them, you can take them out of the Undeposited Funds account and make a…
How To
How to Start a Small Business at Home
Thinking about starting a small business from home? You’re in good company. Half of all small businesses begin in the home. Some of the most notable are Microsoft and Amazon, but hundreds of thousands of small-business owners are able to make a living working from their own house. They do it to be their own…
How to Overcome Retail Recruiting Challenges: Recruit for Retail in 5 Steps
The past few years have been challenging for the retail job market, with retail employers struggling to find and retain employees. According to a recent survey from Capterra, a staggering 86% of SMB retailers find that hiring is growing more difficult year over year. While the retail recruitment landscape is riddled with challenges (which we…
How to Promote Employees: Steps, Methods, and Tips for Small Business Owners
Promoting top-performing employees is not just about recognizing their hard work and dedication, but also about fueling their growth and development. As your team members continue to learn and excel in their current roles, you can identify opportunities for them to take on more responsibility. By promoting them, you are not only rewarding their efforts…
CRM Migration: 10 Steps to a Seamless Data Transfer
When you shift to a new customer relationship management (CRM) system that better suits your business needs, you’ll also have to transfer your data to the new platform. However, you have to make sure that you don’t lose any data during the process. Here, we guide you through the 10 steps of CRM migration to…
How to Sell Art Online: A Beginner’s Guide
Whether you’re looking to give up your day job or just sell some work on the side, here’s how to turn your passion into profit.
As an artist, you may have specific visions for your work, its presentation, and even your future business. And, up until this point, you’ve likely sustained your artistry through pure passion alone. However, if you want to turn that passion into income and sell art online, it’s time to take the following steps. Step 1:…
How To Get a Home Equity Loan to Finance Your Business
As a business owner, it’s possible to use a home equity loan (HELOAN) for business purposes. Although you’ll need to own a home with sufficient equity, it may be more suitable compared to a traditional business loan because its qualification requirements can be easier to satisfy. You can get a home equity business loan by…
How to Add a Landing Page to Google Ads in 6 Steps
Google ads can gain wide exposure for your business. But they can also lead traffic to a valuable page you want to promote, like your online store or a newsletter sign-up form. To learn how to add a landing page to Google Ads, open your ad campaign under the Campaigns tab in your Google Ads…