A credit card authorization form is a formal document that a customer signs to approve a charge to their credit card. It states that the cardholder agrees to the charges set forth by the merchant. You can use credit card authorization forms as documented proof to validate credit card transactions and protect your business from…
What is
What Is Voice Commerce? Insights for Independent Retailers
Voice commerce is a tool that allows customers to use voice commands to search for products, get answers to questions, and complete transactions. Think Siri and Alexa, but for shopping functionalities. Voice command technology first came onto the scene in 2012 and has since become much more complex and exploded in use. While we are…
What Is a Web Banner? Definition, Examples & Costs
Website banners are digital remarketing ads displayed on third-party websites like ecommerce sites, blogs, and online news websites. The cost-per-click (CPC) is lower than Google search or Facebook ads, but the click-through rate (CTR) is also lower. The web banner overview and examples below show how you can use web banners for remarketing to increase…
What Is a Chargeback? Small Business Guide
A chargeback is a reversal of a payment card transaction initiated by a card issuer because of a dispute filed by the payer or customer. Chargebacks can have a significant impact on a small business’ revenue and sustainability but are necessary to ensure consumer protection. Some of the usual reasons for chargebacks include unauthorized transactions,…
History of IVR & Its Evolution Through the Years
Interactive voice response (IVR) is an automated business phone system that answers incoming calls and offers options and information via a menu. The history of IVR began in the 1930s with Bell Lab’s invention of the Voder machine. Since then, IVR technology has improved—from early systems using touch-tone keypads to advanced speech processing. IVR solutions…
What Is a Payroll Register? Small Business Guide
Included as a standard report in most payroll software, a payroll register is a detailed record of all employees’ payment data. It’s the paycheck records of every employee in one report, including the total gross pay for each employee, each type of deduction and amount, and the total net amount that each employee receives. A…
Hiring Family Members: What You Need to Know
Hiring family members for your small business can be a strategic move or a potential pitfall. This comprehensive guide is designed to help you navigate the complexities that come with employing relatives. From understanding nepotism and its implications to exploring the pros and cons of family employment, we discuss various aspects that can impact your…
Ecommerce Payment Security: 10 Small Business Best Practices
The boom in online shopping, along with the general increase in fraudulent activity, has made ecommerce payment security vital. Ensuring the security of customer payments is the responsibility of every small business owner that accepts payments online. Follow the 10 best practices listed below to keep your site and customers safe. 1. Choose a Trusted…